Oriental lettuce type. Upright, firm, compact and slightly closed head with delicate light green tasty and sweet flavor leafs. Can be harvested in 90 days from sowing spring and autumn and 100-110 days in winter. Leafs are partially closed who gives better withstand for hail and heavy rains.
Downy Mildew (races 1-4).
0.8-1 kg.
Outdoor production.
Winter, spring and autumn.
Oriental lettuce type. Delicate light green tasty sweet flavor leafs. Can be harvested 105 days from direct sowing in summer.
Resistant for bolting.
1-1.2 kg.
Outdoor production.
Summer planting.
Iceberg lettuce type. Compact plant with large slightly flattened uniform tight head. Greenish – white color with short core, crispy light green tasty leafs. Can be harvested 105 days from direct sowing in summer.
Resistant for bolting for summer sowing.
Big head.
Outdoor production.
Summer planting.
Iceberg lettuce type. This variety performs best while warm planting conditions and harvested in cool whether conditions after 105 from direct sowing. Compact plant with large slightly flattened head, greenish- white with short core, crispy light green tasty leafs. Fruit is smooth, well covered bottom, free from remarkable ribs.
Large head.
Outdoor production.
Autumn planting.
Lettuce Curly type green color. Compact plant with beautiful large curly gentle leafs and strong green color. Very tasty flavor leafs with excellent shelf-life.
Outdoor/ indoor production.
Winter, spring, autumn